
About Us

Our journey, rooted in ancient times, began by inheriting the tradition of weaving from our ancestors. It combines our commitment to weaving and preserving the traditional, carried forward today with a handful of master craftsmen who still operate ancestral weaving looms.
To pass this heritage onto the future, we produce products that bear the traces of the past. From the production stage to sales, we merge tradition and craftsmanship, carrying our cultural heritage from our homeland to the world. Our aim is to contribute to the promotion of this region, the cradle of civilization, by sharing different designs inspired by both contemporary life and the rich history of our region, all while staying true to traditional production methods with our customers.
Our goal is to share unique designs inspired by both modern contemporary living and the rich history of our region, all while adhering to traditional production methods, with our customers who appreciate it.

Atlase Textile

Atlase Textile

Turkish Towel

Atlase Textile

Atlase Textile
